Sunday, August 19, 2007

I guess I'll be stitching

Now I know why I have been feeling for crabby and crappy. I am sick. Spent the day in the ER, diagnosed with acute bronchitis. On antibitotics now and soon cough meds. Plus off work for 3 days so I don't make any babies sick. I guess that is the best thing but I hope my clients do also. Tomorrow(Monday)I will have to make phone calls and rearrange my schedule. Then I plan to listen to my doctor, take my meds, don't drive and nap some. I did add just 2 little things...READ and STITCH!! Hopefully I will be back to work on Thursday with bells on.

Good Night!


Jen (momx3lovesbooks) said...

Get better soon Kim!! I am so glad you stopped by my blog! I've been thinking bout you lately wondering how you are!

Stitchy Princess said...

Oh my! I hope you're feeling better by now!

monique said...

I hope you are getting back to normal, Kim :)