Monday, November 5, 2007

Is it really almost Monday?

So this weekend went fast. I really miss Frank and we are only halfway from last visit to Thanksgiving. What am I going to do when he goes to Afghanistan? On that note, he is going to try and request to leave in March so he will be back in the fall for the holidays. So today I got some work done, cleaned, did laundry, etc etc and now at whatever time it is I am still up. I started his Christmas present tonight but of course I can't say anything..he may be! So far it looks cool. The best news is tomorrow evening I get to go stitching and Matthew asked me today when Nov. 5 was. When I answered tomorrow, he replied "Great I get to go back to that lady's house!" So hopefully it will go well. Keep your fingers and anything else!
This week will be busy with work. On Monday, 2 clients; on Tuesday, nurse meeting; Wednesday, 3 clients; Thursday, 3 clients and Friday only 1 client but I am doing a ride along and M is off school. Friday night will be kids night out at gymnastics and I will need it by! Frank may be home next weekend but I doubt it. It is Veterans Day so he may have a long weekend. At this point though he doesn't have a plane ticket and getting one this close would be expensive. But to do the 7 hour drive for a few days isn't worth it either.
Well I am off to read for a while and then to sleep..oh watch Desperate Housewives I taped earlier as well.

Have a WONDERFUL week!

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