Saturday, December 1, 2007


So apparently with the amount of stuff I've signed up to do plus usual Christmas stuff, I am not planning on sleeping this! Work is crazy! Especially this coming week and the week before Christmas. I am taking off most of Christmas week and the first week of January. I don't necessarily want to but dh will only be home the week of Christmas and Matthew is off both weeks. So...unless I want to pay a sitter....i'm off. Hopefully I'll get some ME time.
So tomorrow or later tonight, I plan to start Frank's Christmas present..gee think I could wait any longer..maybe till the! I am also finishing something else for another exchange. Plus I have to clean the house some and do my Christmas cards. Oh and tomorrow I will also need to get ready for the week since I WORK everyday..part time? I also have to get 2 different exchanges ready and do something about the one I forgot about..ugh!! Wish I would have remembered before I went to my lns today.
I did get a new pattern by Val's Stuff and all the stuff to go with it...guess what it is... a SNOWMAN(imagine I am going to try and post a picture here. It is done with crescent colors which I have NEVER used so I went ahead and got them
Oh well I am off to bed so I have some energy tomorrow!

Have a wonderful Sunday!

1 comment:

Barb said...

Those are so cute! Great job on them.